About Pennoyer

Pennoyer School proudly educates children from parts of Norridge, Harwood Heights, and unincorporated Norwood Park Township. During the 1830's, the Pennoyer family came from new England and settled in what is now known as Norridge. The land they settled laid between what is now East River Road and Cumberland Avenue. In 1838, members of the community met at the home of John Pennoyer to discuss the plans for the development of a school. The school began in 1839, in Pennoyer's home. In 1954 it was decided to build a new school at the corner of Cumberland and Foster Avenue. A major addition was added in 2001. The school district proudly educates children in grades PK-8.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pennoyer DARE Graduation Speech Excerpt


Portions of a speech from one of the 5th grade essay winners at DARE graduation

Pennoyer School District #79, Norridge, Illinois Educating the minds of tomorrow since 1840

Chicago Bandits starting shortstop Tammy Williams addresses Pennoyer's 5th grade DARE graduation


Michael Lubelfeld Ed.D.

Pennoyer School District #79, Norridge, Illinois Educating the minds of tomorrow since 1840

http://www.pennoyerschool.org, http://pennoyersuperintendent.blogspot.com
@pennoyerschool on Twitter

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