About Pennoyer

Pennoyer School proudly educates children from parts of Norridge, Harwood Heights, and unincorporated Norwood Park Township. During the 1830's, the Pennoyer family came from new England and settled in what is now known as Norridge. The land they settled laid between what is now East River Road and Cumberland Avenue. In 1838, members of the community met at the home of John Pennoyer to discuss the plans for the development of a school. The school began in 1839, in Pennoyer's home. In 1954 it was decided to build a new school at the corner of Cumberland and Foster Avenue. A major addition was added in 2001. The school district proudly educates children in grades PK-8.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome to 2011!

With the onset of the second decade of the 21st Century upon us ... we are at an exciting time in history! During 2011, we plan to continue to Educate the Minds of Tomorrow as we enter into Pennoyer's 171st year as a public elementary school. While the learning opportunities for our students are endless, we want to share some highlights of our plans for the immediate future. For the remainder of this school/fiscal year, our plans include (but are not limited to the following):
  • -reviewing and assessing the myriad of learning interventions associated with the normal course of doing business and the initiatives related to RtI and problem solving and PBIS
  • -reviewing and planning for instructional technology needs at the classroom and school levels
  • -overhauling the current teacher evaluation process and instrument (bringing it up to School Code and Best Practices)
  • -implementation of a staffing plan for the coming school year that best matches fiscal responsibility and student needs
  • -customer service inventories for stakeholders including students, parents, staff, community members
  • -celebrating the excellence at the school for all of our 420 students Pre-K - 8th grades
  • -continuing school traditions and student celebrations 
  • -continuing to use many modes of communication to inform the community about the great adventures in learning at Pennoyer School

So - Welcome 2011! We have a lot planned to make this a great year!



Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekly Facebook Usage Stats

Happy holidays from Pennoyer!!

Weekly Facebook stats:

181 monthly active users 9 since last week
129 people like this 3 since last week
13 wall posts and comments this week 9 since last week
179 visits this week 89 since last week

Friday, December 17, 2010

Adventures in LLP! Happy Holidays!

January Calendar

Pennoyer January Calendar.pdf (10 KB)
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Happy holidays and Happy 2011!!

Social Studies - International Project

Kaselehlie!  That is 'hello' in Pohnpeian.  Pohnpei is an island that is a part of the Federated States of Micronesia where Janelle Santos, Pennoyer Class of 2002, is stationed in the Peace Corps. The 6th grade social studies classes will be corresponding with Janelle over the next two years exchanging pictures, stories, and goods that will inspire learning about geography, culture, and people on the other side of the globe.  The students have already worked in groups and came up with a first round of questions for Janelle.   When this class is in 8th grade, Janelle will come into the classroom to meet the students and do a show and tell visit.
We are all looking forward to it!

Contact Ms. Peters for more information; she and her classes will be sharing updates throughout this exciting learning experience.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For Parents from the State Superintendent of Education Dr. Chris Koch

ISBE Introduces a Parent Involvement Webinar Series

The Illinois State Board of Education's Innovation and Improvement Division has planned a series of four 90 minute Parent Involvement Webinars as part of a statewide parent involvement initiative. The webinars will examine areas of best practices pertaining to parent involvement and provide tools and resources for implementing evidence-based strategies. These sessions are open to district staff, school staff, parent facilitators and parents. Here is the description of the first session:

School-Home Communication, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Jan. 27, 2010: The reliability of a three-legged stool depends on each of its parts and if you were to remove the seat, the function of the remaining pieces becomes subject to speculation.  

The seat is the piece that joins the three legs and gives it value in its purpose. School-Home Communication is like the seat of the stool - it is the piece that brings the student, the family and the school together in a purposeful relationship. This webinar will offer evidence-based tools, strategies and resources that help schools to develop better communication with families and help to build relationships that support student success. Register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/552317264.

Message from IL Superintendent of Schools Dr. Chris Koch

Message From State Superintendent Christopher A. Koch

Bullying has received significant attention in the past couple of years by lawmakers, the public and national and local media. I think this heightened attention to an issue that can be emotionally devastating is healthy for all of us and educators need to pay particular attention to this.

Here at the State Board of Education we have received a significant increase in the amount of complaints from parents about bullying and questions about local policies and how situations should be handled. We had not tracked this information in the past, but we will begin to track this now.

In 2009, we also added a question in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), asking students if they have ever been bullied on school grounds. The baseline results showed 21 percent of students had been bullied. We will soon begin the YRBS 2011 survey and should have results in August. I hope by collecting this data it will allow us to have a more accurate picture of what is occurring and where, so that we can better address the issue.

Additionally, the School Bullying Prevention Task Force was established in law this past spring and is charged with exploring the causes and consequences of bullying in schools and identifying promising practices to reduce incidences of bullying. As part of its work, the Task Force will be evaluating the effectiveness of current anti-bullying policies and other bullying prevention programs. The Task Force is due to complete its work and report to the Governor and General Assembly by March 1, 2011.

I also want you to be aware of a new video the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) released that provides guidance on what DOJ can do to stop bullying in our schools. Members of the DOJ relate personal stories and also highlight the ability of the DOJ to step in to assist students and others who may be bullied. Please share the following link with teachers and staff: http://blogs.usdoj.gov/blog/archives/1088.

Happy Holidays


Video clips from music assembly

Winter music assembly with K-4 students

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Coke Rewards - Donate points to Pennoyer!

We have 367 points ... text your codes or enter online!

Weekly Facebook Stats

Pennoyer School District 79
172 monthly active users 15 since last week
126 people like this no change since last week
4 wall posts and comments this week 2 since last week
268 visits this week 78 since last week

Friday, December 10, 2010

7th Grade Music Learning

(22780 KB)
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7th grade students learning about the Baroque period artists and music with modern day "rap" ... clips will be posted ... (we're trying out various video/audio formats ... all the kids (and Mrs. Petergal) did a GREAT job!)

This clip is just under three minutes and features three groups of students.

News from the Principal's Office

Pennoyer Weekly 12132010.pdf (41 KB)
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hot dog day002.pdf (26 KB)
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escrip Dominicks.pdf (98 KB)
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Monday, December 6, 2010

We need 18438 points for a Super Field Day Pack

Students will hop into happiness, pull together and build rewarding friendships. 

This Super Field Day Pack is designed to encourage fun, friendship and friendly competition. It’s filled with materials like potato sacks, Tug-of-War rope, award ribbons and a Field Day Survival Guide Book to make sure students field a day of positive experiences. Guide students to compete to make the best memories at the next field day event.

We can do it with your support! Enter/register/donate coke rewards to Pennoyer - OR - drop off your bottle caps and reward codes to the main office!

Facebook usage stats - visits down from last week, but still a great deal of interest with 190 visits!

157 monthly active users 4 since last week
126 people like this 4 since last week
6 wall posts and comments this week 4 since last week
190 visits this week 116 since last week

Save the January Dates ... For Students & Families

From the PTC:

Movie Night: January 28, 2011 - details will be sent out closer to the date


Go Bananas Fundraiser Day: Jan. 31, from 11:00am – 10:00PM. 

Pennoyer gets 50% of whatever Pennoyer participants spend. Be sure to mention Pennoyer when purchasing tokens.

From the PTC - Yankee Candle Order was delayed

Yankee Candle Fundraiser: Delivery is late. Yankee Candle has been in contact w/PTC. They are back logged. Hopefully orders will be delivered by Dec. 8. They are waiving the shipping fee because of their failure to deliver product on time.

Mrs. Miceli's Pennoyer Weekly

Pennoyer Weekly 12062010.pdf (41 KB)
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

MyCokeRewards.com - you can text your codes ...

Pennoyer School can get great items if you text your Coke Rewards code (IF you are allowed to Text) ... once you text, you start building up points ... then you can go online and donate your points to Pennoyer School!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Support Pennoyer

cokerewards .pdf (905 KB)
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From the PTC

News from the Student Council

The Student Council officers and representatives have decided on having a school-wide door decorating contest.  Each homeroom can participate in decorating your door with the theme: "Holidays around the World".  Our students come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds, so this is an opportunity for them to express how they celebrate the coming holidays with their family. 


All doors should be completed by Wednesday, Dec 15th as judging will take place at the end of the day.  Three winners will be announced by levels (PreK- 2nd, 3-5th and 6-8th) on Thurs. Dec 16th and prizes will be given on Friday, Dec 17th.