About Pennoyer

Pennoyer School proudly educates children from parts of Norridge, Harwood Heights, and unincorporated Norwood Park Township. During the 1830's, the Pennoyer family came from new England and settled in what is now known as Norridge. The land they settled laid between what is now East River Road and Cumberland Avenue. In 1838, members of the community met at the home of John Pennoyer to discuss the plans for the development of a school. The school began in 1839, in Pennoyer's home. In 1954 it was decided to build a new school at the corner of Cumberland and Foster Avenue. A major addition was added in 2001. The school district proudly educates children in grades PK-8.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

News from Jr. High!

November 1, 2012, is the last day to register for the 7th & 8th grade Springfield/St.Louis trip!

REGISTRATION IS EASY, PLEASE VISIT: https://mytour.brightsparktravel.com  and use trip code 5882142

Check out this video I made with Animoto!

Check out this video I made with Animoto: Halloween Concert
Students enjoyed a band concert to celebrate Halloween.  What great talent!

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Fox News link from Bill Bellis

Here's a link to today's Fox News Chicago Noon News with Bill Bellis thanking Pennoyer students ..l this link may expire tonight ..l when you click on it scroll up to about seven minutes and go to about eight minutes and you'll see our school!

Weekly News from Mrs. Miceli

Pennoyer Weekly 10292012.pdf Download this file

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pennoyer News from Mrs. Miceli!

> -----------------------------------------------
> Attached you will find the Pennoyer Weekly for the week of October 29 and information on a Springfield Trip fund raiser
> > Pennoyer Elementary School District 79

Pennoyer Weekly 10292012.pdf Download this file

Intro Spirit Strands Oct.pdf Download this file

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Where to find out about Pennoyer Information

Reminder ..... Pennoyer is on the web at http://www.pennoyerschool.org, and http://pennoyerschool.posterous.com/, and on Twitter and Facebook and on http://pennoyersuperintendent.blogspot.com, and via Family Access ... we want you to be informed and stay informed! 

All teacher web pages are under construction ... check back in a week or two to see the virtual "facelift" of all teacher pages!

News about service projects

Pennoyer's Peer Leaders are participating in Pennies for Patients starting Monday, October 29th until Friday, November 16th. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society asks schools to collect change from friends and family and under the couch to help patients suffering from these diseases. So bring in your small change and put it in the designated white box in homeroom for the next three weeks. Our campaign this year will run from Monday, October 29th until Friday, November 16th. Please contact Ms. Stutzman with any questions!

Flashback to 1976


Recently, the class of 1976 visited Pennoyer for an historic tour led by Board Vice President Patrizia Alaimo.  The photo was taken in 1976!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Principal Appreciation Week

IL_Proclamation_IPA.pdf Download this file

Please join me in thanking Mrs. Miceli for the outstanding work she does every day as Pennoyer's Proud Principal!!

Thank you Mrs. Miceli!

Michael Lubelfeld Ed.D.

5200 North Cumberland Avenue
Norridge, IL 60706

(708) 456-9094, fax: (708) 456-9098

“You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety.” - Abraham Maslow

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Check out this video I made with Animoto!

Check out this video I made with Animoto: Piaget's Brain Teasers
Eighth grade students pair up with first graders to test Piaget's theory on brain development. 

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Friday, October 12, 2012

NIU STEM Presentation

Jeremy Benson graduate student at NIU shares his love of science with our students.

IMG_0361.MOV Watch on Posterous

Students learned how liquid nitrogen and the air inside balloons react.
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NIU STEM Demonstration

Science, technology, engineering, and math came to life as students watched Jeremy Benson demonstrate the properties of nitrogen, laser, lights, and electricity.

IMG_0395.MOV Watch on Posterous

Students watched what occurs when electricity hits a pickle. You may ask "how does this relates to us?" Pickles contain a great deal of sodium as does the human body. The electrical heat fried the pickle as lightening or electricity would burn the human body.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rotarians Visit Third Graders

Dr. Lubelfeld, Pennoyer's Superintendent, Mr. Ron Stoch, Director of the Eisenhower Library, and Officer Brian Davis, from the Salvation Army, came to visit our third graders.  They came with a gift of a dictionary for each student.  This is just one of the many projects our local Rotary is involved with.  Thank you Rotarians!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Columbus Day!

Columbus Day first became an official state holiday in Colorado in 1906, and became a federal holiday in 1937, though people have celebrated Columbus' voyage since the colonial period. In 1792, New York City and other U.S. cities celebrated the 300th anniversary of his landing in the New World. President Benjamin Harrison called upon the people of the United States to celebrate Columbus Day on the 400th anniversary of the event. During the four hundredth anniversary in 1892, teachers, preachers, poets and politicians used Columbus Day rituals to teach ideals of patriotism. These patriotic rituals were framed around themes such as support for war, citizenship boundaries, the importance of loyalty to the nation, and celebrating social progress.[1][2]

Catholic immigration in the mid-19th century induced discrimination from anti-immigrant activists. Like many other immigrant communities, Catholics developed organizations to fight discrimination and provide insurance for the struggling immigrants. One such organization, the Knights of Columbus, chose that name in part because it saw Christopher Columbus as a fitting symbol of Catholic immigrants' right to citizenship: one of their own, a fellow Catholic, had discovered America.[1]

Many Italian-Americans observe Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage, the first occasion being in New York City on October 12, 1866.[3] Columbus Day was first popularized as a holiday in the United States through the lobbying of Angelo Noce, a first generation Italian, in Denver. The first official, regular Columbus Day holiday was proclaimed by Colorado governor Jesse F. McDonald in 1905 and made a statutory holiday in 1907.[4] In April 1934, as a result of lobbying by the Knights of Columbus, Congress and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made October 12 a federal holiday under the name Columbus Day.[4][5]

Since 1971, the holiday has been fixed to the second Monday in October,[6] coincidentally the same day as Thanksgiving in neighboring Canada (which was fixed to that date in 1959). It is generally observed nowadays by banks, the bond market, the U.S. Postal Service other federal agencies, most state government offices, many businesses, and most school districts. Some businesses and some stock exchanges remain open, also some states and municipalities abstain from observing the holiday.[7] The holiday also nearly coincides by one day with the birthday of the United States Navy (October 13, 1775), and thus both occasions are customarily observed by the Navy (and most times the Marine Corps) with either a 72 or 96-hour liberty period


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Congratulations to Ms. Christl, she won an award today!

OfficeMax® joined with AdoptAClassroom.org to create A Day Made Better: A one-day event that awards more than 1,000 teachers with over $1,000 in school supplies.

Today Ms. Christl won a new chair, loads of classrooms supplies, and the recognition
she so richly deserves.