Dear Colleagues:
AASA has now broadened its relief efforts to school districts impacted by Hurricane Sandy. What we have learned in the short time since we began this project is that recovery is going to be a very long process. There is no quick fix here.
Some school buildings have been so badly damaged that whole schools have been moved to new locations. In some areas, faculty and staff members, as well as students, are without homes. Some school districts are simply overwhelmed by the logistics of reopening in communities where basic infrastructure is missing.
Thus far AASA is in contact with 21 school districts that have been able to identify specific needs. We are working to help these districts fill those needs. Our donors have already offered textbooks and supplies. Schools are holding fundraisers to raise money, and some schools have even adopted a “school-in-need.” In many schools, children are taking the lead in this effort!
But we know there are many more districts that need assistance. While we are working to contact these schools—many lack telephone and email connection—AASA has now made it possible for individuals and families to make a personal, tax-deductible contribution to the relief effort:
Checks payable to AASA, marked “Attn: Hurricane Sandy Relief” should be sent to AASA, 1615 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Please consider how you and your colleagues and communities can help. Thank you to all who have helped us get this far. And thanks to all of you who will join us. For additional information about the initiative, see the
AASA website (
With best wishes for the holidays ahead,
Daniel A. Domenech, executive director
American Association of School Administrators